Thursday, June 2, 2011

jeffrey bale's world of gardens... ein fantastischer blog...voll mit kreativer energie! jeffrey ist ein professioneller landschaftsgärtner und seine reisen inspirieren ihn zu seinen aussergewöhlichen gartenkunstwerken.
genau wie ich ist er dieses jahr durch marokko gereist und hat sich in land und leute verliebt! seine stimmungsvollen bilder sind einfach toll...
see & get inspired! an awesome blog full of creative energy! jeffrey is a builder of gardens by trade and get inspired by his travels. just like me, he traveled to morocco this year, and we both fell in love with this wonderful country! his mood pics are just great...
see & get inspired! 

Carpets on my round rock patio in summer, Portland, Oregon

Tea House and Brugmansia in bloom, Los Angeles

Table and Chairs in the finished Sunken Garden, Los Angeles



Morocco, Gardens, Art, Architecture

This is a new book that features the best of thousands of images I took this winter (2010-11) while traveling in Morocco.  Each city or town is featured individually, with the idea of showing the unique character of each place and the artisanship that embellishes them.
I loved being in Morocco so much.  There were many days of blissful contentment, having had interesting social exchanges, and seeing so many amazing things.  Life was experientially rich there.  It is worth looking closely at each photo, as Morocco is about the details as much as the whole.  There are many stories you will just have to imagine that go with every page.
       (text by jeffrey bale)

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